Has it ever hit you how timely, precise and resourceful God is? And not ‘cause He needs any help. (After all, He can think a thing into existence or occurrence if He so willed.) Nope, he uses resources – particularly human resources – to awe and humble us, and embolden and empower us – for the glory He's designed you to reflect. Looking back, God meticulously placed several Christians in my life just so. He introduced (or reintroduced) them at different times, in different circumstances, for different reasons - each time manifesting His nearness, sovereignty and steadfast love for me. And … [Read more...]
“The Fat Kid” In All Of Us: Self-Esteem and Identity, Part 1
I have these regrettable memories of a tubby, ostracized classmate of mine from 2nd or 3rd grade. Charles was a fairly good-natured boy who, unlike the other kids, was heavy, clumsy and wore tacky cowboy boots every day. But like every other kid, Charles just wanted, no - needed, friends to play with. Instead, we were cruel to "the fat kid." We'd run away from him when he came near. We'd kick him from behind, unprovoked. And on the rare days we were generous enough to let him join in our play, we'd give him the unwanted role - always "it," the chaser. I don’t recall us ever allowing him the … [Read more...]
Girlfriends and Conflict Resolution
Several months back, a loyal Friend, the "building up of others" kind, very lovingly and wisely counseled me to clear the air with another friend. She gently but directly pointed out an infraction - moreover, the kind we all hate - the passive-aggressive kind (ugh) - which I was guilty of towards said other friend. Honestly, my first instinct was to feel defensive. I wanted to explain or justify myself. But I knew Friend's no-nonsense advice was right. Taking her Truth to heart, and recalling my 2015 resolutions (which, ever well-intending but not-so-at-executing, need to be kept more … [Read more...]
Serve the Less Fortunate and You’ll Be All the Richer.
I met someone the world has forsaken today, and it made my life all the richer. I thought I had something to offer her but it turned out she had so much more to offer me. Two Saturdays a month, our church provides lunch to the local homeless and migrant workers. Today was our small group's turn to prepare, serve and share the meal. Confession. While, in theory, I support this charitable service and believe in teaching our kids firsthand to serve and appreciate everything we have, in practice, the Saturdays we're to help always feel like the busiest, most inconvenient, already overbooked … [Read more...]
A Blogger’s Dilemma
So frustrated. And torn. Haven't been able to write lately because I've been too busy hitting the backspace button. A whole mess of stories centered around relationships and interactions with girlfriends, in-laws, DH and the kids have been started and scrapped. For no matter which way my fingers run on the keyboard, they inevitably hit a cross-road that confronts any writer sharing the more intimate, reflective and normally private parts of his/her life with the world. You see, I want to write about the hardest lessons and most sensitive topics that life's circumstances, choices and … [Read more...]