What do I wanna be when I grow up?
Crappy nuggets. I should know by now.
In your 20’s, you get a pass. You’re expected to be a little lost; you’re still fumbling about, discovering who you are and in what direction to head. In your 30’s, you’ve (hopefully) found yourself and are making some headway securing your future. In your 40’s and 50’s, you may be so privileged as to get to ponder more grandiose questions having less to do with immediate basic necessities: “What is the meaning of life anyway? And what will be my legacy?”
Well…I’m turning 40 next week, have been a “work-in-progress” Christian since adolescence, a wife for eleven years, a mom to three very uniquely entertaining kids aged 4 to 9, and practiced law until I traded in the high heels and Benz for flip flops and a hot mama mobile (aka mini-van). On the brink of turning 40, I find myself scrambling through the day, juggling my many incongruent parts: kid-at-heart, “Asian mom”, optimist, cynic, queen of spontaneity, stress-case, hothead, hot mess, wife, friend, mother, daughter, lawyer, room mom, Korean, American, Libra, tiger, extrovert…to introvert, and of course, champion of God, people, wit, words, nature, beauty, vulnerability, and action.
Crappy nuggets indeed.
I can’t possibly (1) find myself, (2) secure my future, and (3) fulfill my personal destiny or leave some profound, lasting legacy — at least not all by next week.
That said, if you can humor, tolerate and even forgive me (on a pretty regular basis), we’re gonna get along splendidly. I invite you to join me on this journey of story-sharing, self-discovery, laughter, tears, camaraderie and, dare I hope, some legendary adventures.
Here’s to the next forty.
And off we go . . . But first, anitacatchmybreath!
Pinkalicious says
I love your writing, good luck with this!
Anita says
Thank you!
Thanks, everyone, for all your encouragement…and enjoyment!
Off we go, indeed! LOVE to join you on this journey, dear friend. xo
Thank you, dear friend. Yes, let’s see where life takes us from here! xoxo
Go girl!
Anita, I love your honesty and way with words! Fun to read. You are amazing with all you do. XO, G
Thanks, Gisella. Right back at ya, babe.
So glad you’re going to share some of your vivacious and vulnerable self with the world, along with your signature wacky hilarity. Looking forward to reading what’s next. Love you!
Thanks, hon. Couldn’t do it without my girlfriends. xoxo.
Ate up every word…fantastic Anita, just fantastic. Can’t wait to read more posts…
Thanks, girl. I’m sure our little reunions will provide much material for future posts, hahaha.
This is going to be EPIC. I already love how open and honest you are on Facebook so definitely looking forward to this!! Plus it helps that I feel like I can relate to you. ❤️❤️
Thanks, girl. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two from my mistakes before you ever get there. lol. xoxo
you go girl!
You are hilarious, freaking fast, and brave. Love you so much and I love reading every single word you post. Keep it up cuz you gonna make the whole world laugh and cry.
I love you too, mamamiga. Thanks for inspiring me to write b/c I love it. And thank you for always laughing and crying with me, and letting me laugh and cry with you too. xoxo.
This is great Anita! Congrats on your courage to put your life out there & I can’t wait to see the next 40 years 🙂