A few days ago I saw a Facebook friend, who said to me, “Anita, you really know how to live. It’s good…‘cause most moms are so tied up with kids and work or housework and everything else, they have no lives of their own.” I immediately felt guilty, or ashamed. Shoot. Am I one of those people? Do I make my life look easy, happy and fun? Or worse -- make others feel their lives are so not? If so, I must confess – It’s A Lie. I’m just guilty of selectively posting the “best of” takes and capturing quickly fleeting treasured moments on camera. And I post often to simplify. How so? I’m not … [Read more...]
The Undistracted Life. (Simplify and Do Life Better, Part 2)
So I mentioned how everything seems to be telling me I need to slooow down, simplify, and do less (or do life) better, right? Well, the most radical warning hit me a week ago Sunday as I sat in church listening to a most timely (uncanny) sermon that had to have been written just for me. I almost avoided eye contact with our pastor lest he realize I was the very one for whom God led him to preach that message. The bible story, Luke 10:38-42, tells of a time Jesus and his followers stop at the home of two sisters, Mary and Martha. During his brief visit, Mary sits closely so she can listen … [Read more...]