Mind blown. We witnessed a spectacular IMAX planetarium show at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco yesterday. Shown on a dizzyingly massive dome ceiling, “Dark Universe" explores today’s greatest cosmic mysteries in a vast and wondrous starscape. After our breathtaking virtual voyage through space, to help us try to grasp the breadth and size of the universe, we’re told that if the dome above us represented Earth, our entire planet would be the universe, at least in its current state of constant expansion. Realizing how very, very miniscule and seemingly insignificant we, … [Read more...]
God’s Christmas Gift Has Nothing To Do With Naughty or Nice
I have a confession. This happened a few years back, during this same wondrous holiday season, when in place of peace and joy, I was feeling overrun, defeated, exasperated. Parenting wasn't quite "working out" the way I'd hoped. I was worried (apparently more than he was) that my eldest was running outta time to shape up and make the cut (i.e., Santa's "nice" list). Despite repeated warnings that "Santa is watching," the thought of falling on old Saint Nick's "naughty" list didn't seem to phase my willful child. I, on the other hand, was troubled. What's the point of telling kids that … [Read more...]
When The Going Gets Tough
Something is definitely up. It feels as if every day lately, I learn of yet another comrade in Christ combating something major – all-consuming struggles with health, marriage, faith, finances, parenting, personal tragedy, addiction, family discord, church leadership, direction, unity, spiritual attacks, spiritual apathy, or any combination of the above. No one is unsusceptible. “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12) The bible doesn't sugarcoat. It says opposition, temptation and suffering can’t be avoided. Indeed, it's hard to … [Read more...]
What a 5-Year-Old Can Teach Us About Grace and Mercy
Our youngest may just be the most rambunctious, tenacious, fearless and independent 5-year-old ever to have been born. (Ask the neighbors, relatives, teachers and coaches.) Affectionate, entertaining and lovable as can be, But wild and free to the Nth degree. Try to steer him this way or reason with him that way – you will see. (But wait. Does the apple not fall far from the tree?) So it took Son several months to get into a good (or acceptable) groove in transitional kindergarten, meet (most of) his teacher’s behavioral expectations, and dare I hope, even earn her good graces. But just … [Read more...]
Life: Is it Gonna Make You or Break You?
They say the most stressful things in life are moving, getting married, having a baby, changing jobs, losing a job, getting separated/divorced, losing a spouse or loved one, or falling ill or disabled. And you know that list ain't all of it. What's even worse is when these big game changers hit multiples at a time, or one after another with no rest in-between. So. What do all these high stress generators have in common? They're all major life Changes. Transitions. Turning points. Rites of passage. Bombs (unexpected or even expected). Not easy. Even when they’re good or happy changes -- … [Read more...]